Hall Booking

Terms of Hire

1. The hire charges are £40 per hour. Hourly charges apply from the time you need the hall opened for preparations until the hall is tidied, cleaned and vacated.
2. A non-refundable holding deposit of 25% of the hire fee (or minimum £35 whichever is greater) is required to confirm any booking.
3. The balance of the full hire fee (which is subject to the conditions below, and without which the hall will not be opened) must be paid 3 weeks before the date of hire.
4. When stating the time you wish the booking to start from, please allow time for any preparation you may wish to do before the start of your event.
5. Please read carefully the conditions of hire set out below.
Please print and sign the hire declaration slip at the bottom of this page and return with holding deposit to the church office. Saturdays 10.30am — 12noon

Conditions of Hire

1. The hirer must ensure that all conditions set forth here are met.
2. Liability;
• The safety of all attendees is the responsibility of the hirer.
• The hirer accepts all liability for injuries and/or losses sustained during the booking period — including any damage to the hall and other facilities. • Use of the car park is at the vehicles owners' risk.
3. Legal requirements
• Fire exits must be kept free of obstructions. You will be directed to safety equipment the steward during the handover.
• Smoking is not permitted anywhere inside the building.
• A separate licence must be obtained from Havering Council to sell alcohol.
• The maximum capacity of the hall is 80 people in total.
• Events and guests must not cause nuisance to nearby residents.
4. Cleaning
• The hall, including the kitchen and toilets must be clean, tidy and ready for use by others at the end of the booking.
• There are no waste disposal facilities. lt's the hirer's responsibility to remove and dispose of all waste and litter.
5. The hall must be ready to close at the end of the booking period.
6. Penalties for failing to adhere to these conditions include;
• The event may be terminated early.
• Charges may be made against the deposit. If charges exceed the deposit then the hire will be expected to pay the difference.


-So if it was not there when your booking began, it must be gone when the booking ends. Uncollected waste will result in a charge of £10 per sack.
• If the hall is not ready to be closed on time then a charge of at least 50% of the refundable deposit will be incurred
• If the hall is hired for Birthday parties for guests aged 21 and under, we recommend an adult supervision ratio at a minimum of 1:10.
• Only Blu-tack style adhesive should be used with wall decorations. Other adhesives damage the building resulting in a charge.
• The last available closing time for a booking is 21:30
• We may request a higher deposit for some events.

These conditions make it possible for us to supply our hall as a venue and are there to allow the use of the hall by us and all people hiring it. We hope you enjoy using our hall.


Hire Declaration

Name: ________________________________

Telephone number: ______________________________

Date hire required: ______________________________

I would like to hire the Ascension Church Hall on the above date. I have read and agreed to the terms and conditions of hire; and submitted my hire details on the booking page.

Signed: _______________________________ Date: ______________________________________

Holding Deposit Paid: _____________________________

updated: 19/12/2024